PTA Minutes 8.3.22

PKS PTA Board Meeting Minutes


Location: Lauren’s House


Jessica Serota

Amy Harrelson

Lisa Taylor

Monica Horsley

Jaime O’Hara

Deb Swenson

Lauren Dunn


1.     Meeting called to order at 5:15

2.     Treasurer’s report:

a.     Lauren is going to close the Science on a Sphere account. She will write a check to PKS with the balance in that account.

b.     The board decided there is not a need to have two operating accounts. Lauren will close the Centennial bank operating account. The balance will be transferred to the South State bank account.

c.     South State operating account balance $29,076.12, Science on Sphere account balance $41,094.67, Reserve account balance $5,058.60 and Centennial operating account balance $2,730.73

d.     Lauren is drafting the budget for the final approval to be voted on August 17 at the general meeting.

3.     New Business:

a.     Board members need to read minutes in order to approve the minutes at the meetings.

b.     All board members were given access to the Google Drive as well as the PTA’s email.

c.     Deb motioned to reopen board member nominations and nominated Katelyn Kalus to join the board. Lisa T. second the motion. Will hold approval at the August 17 general meeting.

d.     By laws were reviewed. By laws will be presented for approval at the August 17 general meeting. Jessica will take care of re-registering us with the Florida PTA.

e.     Briefly discussed sending board members to the Florida PTA meeting in July. We will add a budget line item for this.

f.      Deb will talk to Michelle Pope to ask if the Conch Scramble board would like us to host a hole. There is no cost for the actual hole only what we provide.

g.     Jessica will get the check from M.E.A.T.’s last fundraiser.

h.     Will sell PKS magnets for $5.00

i.      Meet the Teacher:

                                               i.     Deb, Jessica, Amy, Jaime and Lisa B. will all be on hand to work the PTA table.

                                             ii.     Ask Lisa B. to create volunteer forms to have at the table.

                                            iii.     Lauren and Monica to create a one pager handout with the 15 reasons to join the PTA and all event dates

                                            iv.     Jessica will ask her daughter to make posters.

j.      Membership/Memberhub

                                               i.     Monica to revise the membership form. Will add Zelle as an option for payment. Lauren to set up through the South State operating account.

                                             ii.     Amy will look into why members haven’t been receiving FL PTA cards

                                            iii.     Amy and Lauren to discuss Memberhub to ensure every member is being entered into Memberhub and the numbers match what the treasurer has.

                                            iv.     Jaime will post meeting minutes to Memberhub. Kristy will post minutes to the PKS website.

k.     Will ask Kim Lowell to remove PTA information from the PKS website and have a link to the PTA’s website instead.

l.      Ask Kristy if she will do a PTA newsletter to include with the school newsletter.

m.   Back to School dance:

                                               i.     Reggae Ron will be the DJ.

                                             ii.     The dance will begin at 10:00 a.m. and continue in groups throughout the day.

                                            iii.     Lisa B and/or Jessica to find decorations?


Next board meeting will be held on 08/17/22 @ 5:30 p.m.


Meeting adjourned 7:00 p.m.